During a rainy day in our summer house I discovered an old book with some fantastic drawings of different flowers. I could not resist the temptation to embroider some of the flowers.
The only fabric I had brought with me to the cottage was a couple of pieces of old jeans. I had to do with want I had and therefore it turned into flower embroidery on pieces of old jeans. Actually I like the combination of the dark, course jeans fabric and the flowers.
The first flower is a Christmas rose made with woven stitches, french knots and chain stitches. It is the first time I have used the woven stitches and it is definitely not the last. I can imagine Christmas hearts or trees with woven stitches being quite nice.
The red clover is made with bullion knots in two different purple colours. The bullion knots are new to me as well and they are a bit tricky at first. However, the possibilities are endless when you have figured it out. I’m certain that the bullion knots will be tried again when I have to start making Christmas decorations and cards.
The Christmas rose and the red clover are the only two flowers I managed to make during our vacation. However, the book contains lots more tempting drawings so I’m looking forward to the next time we are having a break.
I don’t yet know what to use the two embroideries for. I’m sure though that I will come up with something where they will work as a nice decoration. It is fantastic to make embroidery based on drawings in a book, to try to match different types of stitches with the various flowers.