For a while we have been missing a sofa cushion for the cozy time in front of the TV. Such a lack is an invitation to creativity and the gap has now been closed with this tambour embroidered cushion. This is my first attempt with tambour embroidery, a method which at a first glance does look like a lot of work. However, if you, like me, use a large crochet hook and thick wool it become more doable.
Tambour embroidery is basically crochet with chains through the ‘holes’ in the base fabric. It is a little bit difficult to find fabric with large enough gaps for a hook no. 5 and thick wool. I therefore used a piece of carpet underlay as the basis for my work. The holes in the underlay are a little bit too big for my yarn. To prevent gaps between the rows of chains I therefore made two rows of chains for each row of gaps in the underlay.
Every time one row of chains has been finished the thread is cut and pulled through the chain. In the end there will therefore be a lot of fringes in both sides of the work. These fringes does not need further securing as that will be handled when mounting it on the cushion.
The finished cushion is now in use in the sofa and I have started my next project with tambour embroidery. The new project is more traditional tambour embroidery with thin cotton yarn and a hook no. 1,5. The sofa cushion with the big hook is a great way of learning the method and at the same time I like the course look. Now lets see how long it will be before I finish the next project with the thin hook.