The green plants in this house are just growing and growing – therefore there is always a need for new flowerpots in size large. This flowerpot is embroidered with wool on plastic canvas, exactly like the one I have shown previously. However, the embroidery type is different and the flowerpot is quite a bit larger this time.

The yarn I used for this pot is the leftovers from a cushion which I crocheted earlier. If you want to see that cushion than have a look here. Because the yarn is leftovers the size of the stripes is dependent on the amount of yarn available in that colour.

The sides of the flowerpot is embroidered in a herringbone pattern with a single thread. The pattern is very compact – a lot more so than the pot I made last. All the sides are squares with 18 cm sides – that should be big enough for even the big plants.

The four embroidered sides are sewn together with the blue yarn which is very visible. Inside the flowerpot is lined with plastic to make it water tight. The lining is made out of a piece of thick plastic (upcycled) and glued into the pot as I described last time.